Executive &
Employee Communications

A core competency of leadership is communication, yet it’s not a skill set that is intentionally developed in rising talent as they take on more responsibility for leading people. This means many leaders need outside support in this vital area of business management. Organizations with a communications program yield higher rates of employee motivation and productivity, and also have lower turnover. An internal communications program can:

  • Get employees on the same page with an executive messaging platform for business goals, strategy & culture

  • Motivate employees by connecting their individual work to the goals of the organization

  • Build trust and confidence in leadership with improved executive visibility

  • Energize employees about major meetings/events or town halls, and then deliver a valuable meeting/event experience

  • Equip leaders with talking points and materials to lead teams through major initiatives

  • Stabilize engagement and productivity during change or a crisis/critical issue

  • Strengthen employees’ sense of connection and community

  • Help new employees get off to a great start with a comprehensive on-boarding program and materials

  • Enable employees to stay current on company news with an evergreen intranet

  • Create pride in your organization—and build your reputation externally—by creating and sharing compelling PR activities, such as volunteerism, employee giving, media, contributed articles, blogs, email campaigns or podcasts, awards and recognition

Executive Coaching

When it comes to earning trust, gaining buy-in and building loyalty, real break-throughs happen when leaders are closely tuned-in to who they are, how they show up and what gets in the way of their ability to lead more effectively. Executive coaching can help leaders become dynamic communicators whom people respect, want to get behind and are inspired by. It’s a game-changing investment to:

  • Lead an engaged and loyal team despite budget cuts and reorgs

  • Revitalize your passion, lead confidently and feel excited again

  • Figure out what’s next for your career path with minimal worry or confusion

  • Inspire belief when times are tough, employees are frustrated and top talent is leaving

  • Be a respected leader and gain buy-in from your leadership team and shareholders

  • Elevate your verbal and non-verbal communication skills

  • Enhance your relationship-building skills and turn critics into ambassadors

  • Reclaim control of the pace of your life

  • Find time for yourself, practice self-care and stop putting off personal development

  • Lighten the mental load without worry, guilt or shame

  • Stop feeling exhausted, guilty and /or crabby

  • Actually enjoy success