High-trust companies report 74% less stress, 106% more energy at work, 50% higher productivity, 13% fewer sick days, 76% more engagement, 29% more satisfaction with their lives, and 40% less burnout than people at low-trust companies.

“The Neuroscience of Trust,” Harvard Business Review, 2017

Here’s the situation:

A business falls short of hitting performance goals. A series of levers are pulled, like: fire and hire top leaders, re-analyze the data, host a strategy retreat, execute a reorg. It’s mentally and emotionally draining work for employees, but it’s meant to drive performance. “Onward!” they say.

And then it doesn’t work.

So leaders ask, “What’s getting in the way of execution? Of productivity?”

The lever that didn’t get pulled was employee engagement, which builds trust, buy-in and loyalty. When engagement isn’t there, neither is performance. In other words, the crew isn’t willing to get on the rocket ship to go to the proverbially Moon if they aren’t sure there will be oxygen and if they aren’t bought in to the mission.

Building a high trust organization that motivates and inspires employees can be achieved through effective executive communications and relationship-development. Yet, these leadership competencies are not taught in business school, nor are they developed in emerging leaders as they take on greater responsibility for leading people.

BeeKnown helps leaders round out their business skills with the competencies of communication and relationship-development so they gain the trust, buy-in and loyalty of the people they count on to deliver.